Interacțiuni medicamentoase ale
anticoagulantelor orale
Studii si review-uri generale
- Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2002 Oct-Nov;11(7):569-76.
The nature and frequency of potential warfarin drug interactions that
increase the risk of bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation.
Howard PA, Ellerbeck EF, Engelman KK, Patterson KL. Departments of
Pharmacy Practice and Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Kansas
Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, KS 66160-7231,
Asocieri cu posibile interactiuni, mai ales antibiotice, sunt frecvente (20%)
la pacientii cu warfarina pentru AF, retrospectiv cca 700 cazuri
- Ann Pharmacother. 2002 Oct;36(10):1642-4.
Revisiting the significance of warfarin protein-binding displacement interactions.
Sands CD, Chan ES, Welty TE.
Yanbian University Medical College, Yanji, China.
- J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2001 Sep;12(1):67-71.
Drug interactions update: drugs, herbs, and oral anticoagulation.
Wittkowsky AK.
Anticoagulation Services, Department of Pharmacy, University of Washington Medical Center,
Seattle, 98195, USA.
Cu alimente
- Ann Pharmacother. 2002 Dec;36(12):1893-6.
Effect of soy milk on warfarin efficacy.
Cambria-Kiely JA.
Department of Pharmacy, Fallon Clinic, 344 Thompson Rd., Webster, MA 01570-1509, USA.
laptele de soia scade INR, posibil interactionand cu p-glicoproteina
si alte polipeptide de transport (speculativ)
cu chelatori ionici
- Pharmacotherapy. 2002 Aug;22(8):1067-9.
Inhibition of warfarin anticoagulation associated with chelation therapy.
Grebe HB, Gregory PJ.
Munson Healthcare, Inc, Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
Studiu de caz. Creste riscul de sangerare
Cu antiinflamatorii nesteroidiene
- cu Celecoxib (metabolizat tot de CYP2C9)
- cu aspirina
- Am J Ther. 1995 Jun;2(6):407-413.
Lack of Pharmacokinetic Interaction between Aspirin and Warfarin.
Fiske WD, Connell JM, Benedek IH.
The DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company, Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Section and Clinical Pharmacology Group, Newark, DE, USA.
- cu acetaminofen
- Pharmacotherapy. 2003 Jan;23(1):109-12.
Warfarin and acetaminophen interaction.
Gebauer MG, Nyfort-Hansen K, Henschke PJ, Gallus AS.
Pharmacy Department Repatriation General Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
Studiu farmacocinetic acut, cantitativ, pe un caz, care masoara
efectul asocierii de acetaminofen pe INR.
- Pharm World Sci. 2002 Oct;24(5):201-4.
The potential interaction between oral anticoagulants and
acetaminophen in everyday practice. van den Bemt PM, Geven LM,
Kuitert NA, Risselada A, Brouwers JR. Hospital Pharmacy
Midden-Brabant, TweeSteden Hospital, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Tilburg,
The Netherlands.
Studiu prospectiv, acetaminofen-ul nu influenteaza efectul acenocumarolului
si phenprocumonului.
- Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 Feb;57(12):863-7.
No clinically relevant drug interaction between paracetamol and phenprocoumon based
on a pharmacoepidemiological cohort study in medical inpatients.
Fattinger K, Frisullo R, Masche U, Braunschweig S, Meier PJ, Roos M.
Dept. of Medicine, University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Emerg Med J. 2002 Jan;19(1):84-5.
Retroperitoneal haematoma after paracetamol increased anticoagulation.
Andrews FJ.
Accident and Emergency Department, St James's University Hospital, Leeds, UK.
- cu leflunomid
- BMJ. 2002 Dec 7;325(7376):1333.
Leflunomide can potentiate the anticoagulant effect of warfarin.
Lim V, Pande I.
Rheumatology Department, Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham NG5 1PB.
Sic. Studiu pe un caz, accesibil integral.
Cu alte clase de anticoagulante
- Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2002 Nov 1;59(21):2078-83.
Lack of pharmacokinetic interactions between argatroban and warfarin.
Brown PM, Hursting MJ.
Clinical Development, Texas Biotechnology Corporation (TBC), Houston, USA.
Studiu de firmă, experimental, pe voluntari sănătoși. Argatroban-ul
este un inhibitor direct al trombinei. Nu interacționează cu warfarina
(cum așa? studiul considera ca interacțiune creșterea warfarinemiei
și nu efectul anticoagulant)
- Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 Sep;54(3):304-8.
Absence of an interaction between the synthetic pentasaccharide fondaparinux and oral warfarin.
Faaij RA, Burggraaf J, Schoemaker RC, Van Amsterdam RG, Cohen AF.
Centre for Human Drug Research, Leiden, the Netherlands, and NV Organon, Oss, the Netherlands.
Nu interactioneaza farmacocinetic
Cu antiagregante plachetare
- cu Clopidogrel
- Thromb Haemost. 2003 May;89(5):842-6.
Clopidogrel and warfarin: absence of interaction in patients receiving
long-term anticoagulant therapy for non-valvular atrial fibrillation.
Lidell C, Svedberg LE, Lindell P, Bandh S, Job B, Wallentin L.
Nu interactioneaza.
Cu estrogeni
Cu antidiabetice
- J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 Dec;42(12):1358-65.
No effect of the novel antidiabetic agent nateglinide on the pharmacokinetics and anticoagulant properties of warfarin in healthy volunteers.
Anderson DM, Shelley S, Crick N, Buraglio M.
Nu are efect. Studiu prospectiv pe un lot de voluntari sanatosi.
Cu vasodilatatoare
- J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2003 Jun;41(6):908-15.
Effect of continuous subcutaneous treprostinil therapy on the pharmacodynamics and
pharmacokinetics of warfarin.
Wade M, Hunt TL, Lai AA.
United Therapeutics Corporation, Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina 27709, U.S.A.
Trepostinil (Remodulin) este un vasodilatator periferic, in primul rand pulmonar.
Nu interactioneaza cu warfarina in aceast studiu clinic acut.
Cu antiaritmice
cu antagonisti ai receptorilor de endotelina
- Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Jul-Aug;37(7-8):1028-31.
Bosentan and warfarin interaction.
Murphey LM, Hood EH.
Administrarea de Bosentan la o pacienta cu hipertensiune pulmonara primara
sub tratament cu warfarina, pentru 5 saptamani, a scazut sub bosentan, impunand
cresterea dozei de warfarina de intretinere cu 63%.
cu blocanti de receptori ai acetilcolinei
- Arzneimittelforschung. 2002;52(12):890-5.
Effect of tolterodine on the anticoagulant actions and pharmacokinetics of single-dose warfarin in healthy volunteers.
Rahimy M, Hallen B, Narang P.
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacia Corporation, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA.
antimuscarinicul tolterodine nu interactioneaza cu warfarina. studiu farmacocinetic
la voluntari sanatosi.
cu statine
Cu inhibitori de lipaza (inhibitori ai absorbtiei lipidelor)
- Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Apr;37(4):510-2.
Orlistat enhances warfarin effect.
MacWalter RS, Fraser HW, Armstrong KM.
Stroke Studies Centre, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, Scotland.
Prezentare de caz. Asocierea inhibitorului de lipaza a crescut INR si a impus
scaderea dozelor de warfarina, probabil prin scaderea absorbtiei vitaminei K
cu alte antilipidice
- Drug Metab Dispos. 2001 Nov;29(11):1359-61.
Gemfibrozil is a potent inhibitor of human cytochrome P450 2C9.
Wen X, Wang JS, Backman JT, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ.
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Helsinki, Haartmaninkatu 4, FIN-00290 Helsinki, Finland.
cu inhibitori ai enzimei de conversie
- Clin Pharmacokinet. 2002;41(3):207-24.
Clinical pharmacokinetics and selective pharmacodynamics of new angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors: an update.
Song JC, White CM.
Drug Information Center, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut 06102-5037, USA.
nu inflenteaza
cu inhibitori ai receptorilor de angiotensina
- Pharmacogenomics J. 2001;1(4):288-92.
CYP2C9*3 influences the metabolism and the drug-interaction of candesartan in vitro.
Hanatani T, Fukuda T, Ikeda M, Imaoka S, Hiroi T, Funae Y, Azuma J.
Clinical Evaluation of Medicines and Therapeutics, Graduate School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University, Suita, Japan.
Cu fenofibrat
- Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Feb;37(2):212-5.
Fenofibrate potentiates warfarin effects.
Kim KY, Mancano MA.
Pharmacy Practice, Temple University School of Pharmacy, Philadelphia, PA 19140-5101, USA.
sic. A impus scaderea dozei cu 30-40%, in doua cazuri, posibil prin deplasarea
de pe proteinele plasmatice sau prin inhibitia CYP2C9.
cu antimicotice
cu antibiotice
- J R Soc Med. 2001 Nov;94(11):583-4.
Suprachoroidal haemorrhage after addition of clarithromycin to warfarin.
Dandekar SS, Laidlaw DA.
St Thomas' Hospital, Lambeth Palace Road, London SE1 7EH, UK.
prezentare de caz
- Clin Pharmacokinet. 2001;40(11):833-68.
Pharmacokinetic aspects of treating infections in the intensive care unit: focus on drug interactions.
Pea F, Furlanut M.
Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Experimental and
Clinical Pathology and Medicine, Medical School, University of Udine, Italy.
- Ann Pharmacother. 2004 Mar 30
Interaction of dicloxacillin with warfarin (May).
Lacey CS.
fara rezumat:
Pharmacy Service (119W), 10701 East Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-1702.
- Ann Pharmacother. 2004 Apr 14
Enhanced Hypoprothrombinemia with Warfarin Due to Azithromycin (June).
Rao KB, Pallaki M, Tolbert SR, Hornick TR.
Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH.
Un caz, 83 de ani. Cu toate ca Azithromicina, spre deosebire de eritromicina
sau claritromicina, nu inhiba CYP450.
- Clin Pharmacokinet. 2003;42(9):819-50.Pharmacokinetic interactions with rifampicin : clinical relevance.
Niemi M, Backman JT, Fromm MF, Neuvonen PJ, Kivisto KT.
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
Rifampicina induce CYP3A4 si glicoproteina-P de transport, precum si CYP-2C9.
De cautat daca nu cumva glicoproteina-P sau alt mecanism de transport este
implicat in cinetica warfarinei.
- Arch Intern Med. 2002 May 13;162(9):985-92.
Rifampin and rifabutin drug interactions: an update.
Finch CK, Chrisman CR, Baciewicz AM, Self TH.
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Tennessee, 26 S Dunlap, Suite 210,
Memphis, TN 38163, USA.
- Pharmacotherapy. 2001 Oct;21(10):1240-6.
Difficulties in anticoagulation management during coadministration of warfarin and rifampin.
Lee CR, Thrasher KA.
Division of Pharmacotherapy, School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA.
- Br Dent J. 2003 Apr 26;194(8):411-5
Antibacterial prescribing and warfarin: a review.
Rice PJ, Perry RJ, Afzal Z, Stockley IH.
Birmingham Dental Hospital and School, St. Chad's Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6NN, UK.
- Ann Pharmacother. 2003 Mar;37(3):367-70.
Warfarin and amoxicillin/clavulanate drug interaction.
Davydov L, Yermolnik M, Cuni LJ.
Prezentare de caz in care amoxicilina+acid clavulanic au dus la cresterea
- Pharmacotherapy. 2003 Mar;23(3):333-8.
Effect of levofloxacin coadministration on the international normalized ratios during
warfarin therapy.
Yamreudeewong W, Lower DL, Kilpatrick DM, Enlow AM, Burrows MM, Greenwood MC.
School of Pharmacy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA.
Asocierea de levofloxacina nu schimba detectabil INR, intr-un studiu pe 18 pacienti.
- Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2001 Aug;57(5):427.
Levofloxacin-warfarin interaction.
Gheno G, Cinetto L.
- Int J Biol Macromol. 2002 Oct 1;30(5):243-9.
Differential binding of tetracyclines with serum albumin and induced structural alterations in drug-bound protein.
Khan MA, Muzammil S, Musarrat J.
Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, AMU, Aligarh, India.
Tetraciclina ar putea deplasa warfarina de pe proteinele plasmatice
- Ann Pharmacother. 2002 Oct;36(10):1554-7.
Levofloxacin and warfarin interaction.
Jones CB, Fugate SE.
The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK 73190, USA.
Alungeste INR
- Drugs. 2002;62(6):967-73.
Moxifloxacin in uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections.
Muijsers RB, Jarvis B.
Adis International Limited, Auckland, New Zealand.
Nu influenteaza. (review)
cu antivirale
- Ann Pharmacother. 2002 Jan;36(1):72-4
Inhibition of warfarin activity by ribavirin.
Schulman S.
Coagulation Unit, Division of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Hospital, S-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden.
un caz
cu antidepresive
cu antiparkinsoniene
- Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 May;53(5):485-91.
Effect of the catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor entacapone on the
steady-state pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of warfarin.
Dingemanse J, Meyerhoff C, Schadrack J.
Jacor Research, Bottmingen, Switzerland.
Efect redus pe farmacocinetica (R)-warfarinei. Fara efect farmacodinamic
- Ann Pharmacother. 2001 Oct;35(10):1202-4.
Warfarin and ropinirole interaction.
Bair JD, Oppelt TF.
Palmetto Memorial Hospital, Columbia, SC, USA.
creste INR
cu antiepileptice
- Epilepsia. 2002 Apr;43(4):365-85.
The importance of drug interactions in epilepsy therapy.
Patsalos PN, Froscher W, Pisani F, van Rijn CM.
Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, Institute of Neurology, University
College London, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG, England, UK.
Trecere in revista a mecanismelor
- Epilepsy Res. 2001 Nov;47(1-2):55-63.
Lack of effect of repeated administration of levetiracetam on the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic profiles of warfarin.
Ragueneau-Majlessi I, Levy RH, Meyerhoff C.
Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Washington, H-272N Health Sciences Building, Box 357610, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
Nu interactioneaza, studiu farmacocinetic experimental pe voluntari sanatosi.
cu psihostimulante
- J Clin Pharmacol. 2002 Feb;42(2):205-14.
Effect of modafinil at steady state on the single-dose pharmacokinetic profile of warfarin in healthy volunteers.
Robertson P Jr, Hellriegel ET, Arora S, Nelson M.
Nu influenteaza in vivo, desi inhiba CYP2C9 in vitro
cu vitamine K
Chimioterapice anticanceroase
- Azatioprina.
- Mercaptopurina.
- Fluorouracil
- J Clin Oncol. 2003 Feb 15;21(4):736-9
Minidose warfarin prophylaxis for catheter-associated thrombosis in cancer patients: can it be safely associated with fluorouracil-based chemotherapy?
Masci G, Magagnoli M, Zucali PA, Castagna L, Carnaghi C, Sarina B, Pedicini V, Fallini M, Santoro A.
Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Via Manzoni 56, 20089 Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Fluorouracilul creste sensibilitatea la doze mici de warfarina (1mg/zi).
- Eur J Pharm Sci. 2002 Oct;17(1-2):73-80.
Effect of 5-fluorouracil on the anticoagulant activity and the
pharmacokinetics of warfarin enantiomers in rats. Zhou Q, Chan E.
Department of Pharmacy, National University of Singapore, 18 Science
Drive 4, Singapore 117543, Singapore.
scade eliminarea (S)-warfarinei
- Capecitabină, Gemcitabină
- Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2001 Nov;1(3):182-4.
An adverse interaction between warfarin and capecitabine: a case report and review of the literature.
Copur MS, Ledakis P, Bolton M, Morse AK, Werner T, Norvell M, Muhvic J, Chu E.
Saint Francis Cancer Center, Medical and Radiation Oncology Department, 2116 W. Faidley Avenue, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA.
Două cazuri de potențare a warfarinei și review de literatura
- Lancet Oncol. 2002 Aug;3(8):460.
Gemcitabine and the interaction with anticoagulants.
Kilgour-Christie J, Czarnecki A.
Eli Lilly and Company Limited, Erl Wood Manor, Sunninghill Road, Windlesham, GU20 6PH,., Surrey, UK
alte medicamente menționate a interacționa cu warfarina
- inhibitori ai pompei protonice
- chimioterapice anticanceroase (e.g. paclitaxel).
- gatifloxacina
alte medicamente menționate a nu interactiona
- cilomilast (inhbitor de fosfodiesteraza)
Alte studii potential interesante
Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Mar;58(11):739-45. Epub 2003 Feb 18.
Related Articles,Links Genetic and environmental risk factors for oral
anticoagulant overdose. Verstuyft C, Robert A, Morin S, Loriot MA,
Flahault A, Beaune P, Funck-Brentano C, Jaillon P, Becquemont L.
Department of Pharmacology, Saint-Antoine Paris VI University and
Assistance-Publique Hopitaux de Paris, 184 rue du Faubourg Saint
Antoine, 75012, Paris, France.
Compara un lot de pacienti care au venit cu INR>4.5 cu unul
de pacienti care au venit cu INR<3.5 si conchid ca
prevalenta CYP2C9-3* nu este mai mare la primii.
Drug Metab Dispos. 2002 Dec;30(12):1311-9.
Evaluation of cytochrome P450 probe substrates commonly used by the
pharmaceutical industry to study in vitro drug interactions. Yuan R,
Madani S, Wei XX, Reynolds K, Huang SM.
Trece in revista evaluarea in-vitro a interactiunilor pe CYP450.
Interacțiuni medicamentoase ale
anticoagulantelor orale
p-glycoprotein warfarina
- Pharmacogenomics J. 2004;4(1):40-8.
Warfarin sensitivity related to CYP2C9, CYP3A5, ABCB1 (MDR1) and other factors.
Wadelius M, Sorlin K, Wallerman O, Karlsson J, Yue QY, Magnusson PK, Wadelius C, Melhus H.
Department of Medical Sciences, Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden.
p-glycoproteina poate fi implicata in transportul warfarinei in hepatocit;
varietatile genetice si interactiunile medicamentoase cu p-glicoproteina pot
explica o parte a variabilitatii raspunsului anticoagulant. foarte interesant.
accesibil integral.
Legarea anticoagulantelor orale de proteinele plasmatice
- Chirality. 2002 May 15;14(5):442-8.
Stereoselective kinetics of warfarin binding to human serum albumin: effect of an
allosteric interaction.
Fitos I, Visy J, Kardos J.
Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Institute of Chemistry, Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
- Proteins. 2002 May 1;47(2):116-25.
Probing the structure of the warfarin-binding site on human serum albumin using
site-directed mutagenesis.
Petersen CE, Ha CE, Curry S, Bhagavan NV.
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, John A. Burns School of Medicine,
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA.
- Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2002 Mar;71(3):115-21.
Changes in plasma protein binding have little clinical relevance.
Benet LZ, Hoener BA.
Department of Biopharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco 94143-0446, USA.